Art!, Real People, Ryan & Me

mystic coffee



I’m pretty excited to have finally finished the first non-100 Days piece of art that I’ve done since I dunno, before the 100 Days started. While I love doing the 100 Days and it’s definitely helped me commit to daily art more, it’s kind of felt like I’ve been pidgeonholed into those drawings. I get home from work and I do a drawing and then I play video games until I get too tired by 9:15. Then on the weekends I’ve been busy with various wedding stuff, either my own or others, and now it’s the holiday season.

So, here’s this! I missed drawing textured hair (Ryan and I basically have shoujo hair), and I LOVE how all the ethereal cloudiness turned out. I worked really hard making the colors unified and I fixed the skirt last night, bringing it from boring to lovely super fast as soon as I started fucking with it. I love the nice mixture of small flicks and big fluffy washes in everything.

Art!, Emotional Breakdowns, Ryan & Me

100 days: a project


I thought I’d post about what I’ll probably be up to for the next while. I can’t help it and I’d better just admit that wedding planning has completely overtaken my attention. Tonight, I happily crafted my little comic bubbles for my table markers while making my fiance help me. Didn’t even think about how specific of a craft it was. Just did it, because it’s what’s on my mind.

Well, on Wednesday last week it hit 100 days till my wedding on 1/7/17. I decided in light of my obsession with wedding stuff that I’d do a project. I know since I met Ryan (literally since I made a drawing of our first kiss) that my art has become dominated by him. Somehow without realizing it he really did become my muse in every sense of the word. Between that and the fact that weddings are a lot of work, especially when you’ve got an artist stick up your bum and want to do it all yourself exactly as you prefer it, I don’t really have the energy for aimless drawings as much as normal. So I figured, why not channel my crazy consuming love into productive art in another form besides making centerpieces or banners. And like, if I decided that this project would be something I could share at my wedding, then it’d scratch that itch for feeling like I need to be doing something for the wedding all the damn time.

So, while most artists are celebrating Inktober (which, yes, I’m still super jealous of), I’m 5 drawings into my 100 Days of Love sketchbook project.

Every day, I’ll draw something that comes from Ryan and I. Whether a goofy anime doodle, or a sultry, emotive charcoal drawing from a real, raw moment when Ryan pulled me out of the darkness in my head, I’ll draw SOMETHING. I’ve already even had one throwaway day where I just started a sketch for our private ceremony invites. That’s the thing, I know they won’t all be winners but that’s never the point of daily art challenges. The point is to produce work. And I am, and in this case every time I draw for this project I’m also reminded why I want to marry this nerdy guy scrolling on Twitter while watching football next to me. In every way, this project is an amazing endeavor that I’m excited to have made a commitment to doing.

Here’s a few so far that I’ve really loved.

95 9997

Art!, Ryan & Me

for life.


Well, my first full illustration with my new tablet is finally complete~!

I think I started working on this the last week in July, and between transitioning into a new job, and fully committing to a rendered, detailed digital painting, this shit took foreeever.

It came to me on my drive home in rush hour one gray afternoon, when the sight of two tiny goldfinches darting over my head across the interstate caught my eye. They were bright and hopeful against a gloomy backdrop, and the first thing I thought of was, “That’s like Ryan and I.” It only felt better when I remembered my 5th grade research project on goldfinches: they mate for life. I realized everything about these darting, hopeful things with feathers (*Emily Dickinson reference, ftw) were what Ryan and I were being to each other during a time of professional upheaval and admittedly intense levels of Mary stress and anxiety. What this gave me on an artistic level is a color palette, a motif (wings), and a subject: us. As usual. Only more thorough than ever before (except maybe since our cityscape picture from early 2015).

This is honestly the only thing I’ve been working on because I was singlemindedly determined to make sure that it got completed and refined.


Art!, Real People, Ryan & Me


I’ve been trying to wait till I finish my current digital coloring of a drawing I did during Super Stories this week, but it’s taking forever so I’m going to post what else I have instead. That can be its own damn post. Maybe then I’ll actually shade it too.

In light of the murder of Philando Castile I wanted to a painting in support of Black Lives Matter. I haven’t quite taken the plunge there yet; I never include anything like that in my paintings normally so I have to work myself up to it. In the meantime, I did this painting of a violet-skinned guy with Lucio-ish dreads staring at the rain while the sun shined behind him. That’s what I tend to do, too, and though it doesn’t retract from the beauty of the rain, it’s not the full picture.
I tried to push this painting farther than normal in terms of developing shading, but I don’t think I did as much as I could have still.


Also, yesterday was the second birthday of my kickass fiance’s gaming podcast, North Saint Podcast, so here’s Beep Boop their mascot celebrating with a cake.
beep boofday

Art!, Holiday Drawings, Original Characters, Ryan & Me

autumn cometh

Putting this together made me feel super productive, because I have a lot more moderately finished pictures than I thought IN UNDER A MONTH!! (It’s been months since I’ve posted less than a month apart!)

I’ve started my new job and I. LOVE. IT. I love my students, I love my coworkers (that’s saying a lot for teacher coworkers…my experience thus far has been feeling like gum stuck to their shoes), I love my drive, and I love the crumbling, bug-infested building we’re in.

I’m gonna go ahead and thank that for my productivity artistically, but I could be wrong. I just know that getting home at 4 has never felt so much like I still have life left in my day even though I’m working full time.

So here’s what I’ve done!

pastel magic lg

I LOVE THIS THING! I’d done a painting recently where I ripped tape for the border and loved how rugged it made the border look. So after like a month I finally remembered to try a painting like this. I made it eensy weensie and I sketched it first and then just kind of crazy painted it and then sketch line arted it afterwards. She’s like some sort of punk pastel magician.

I would say she is the closest projection of the kinds of students at my new work whose images I’ve fallen in love with. So much envy happens when I see kids with fluorescent hair cut in outlandish fashions. I miss the days when my mom would pay for $150 color jobs for my hair. Or when I could dye my hair an unnatural color without feeling like it had to be a peekaboo or else I wouldn’t be professional enough.

Another young teacher at work gave himself merman hair last weekend and I got envious all over again. I just don’t know if I’m flamboyantly gay enough to use that as an excuse. And with the number of times I’ve been mistaken for a student, I feel like I don’t want to make that worse.

All the same, I love soaking in the pure, unadulterated creativity of the students around me. It brings me back to the days when I could draw crazy people and write ridiculous stories without thinking twice about it, because why would I?

cat bending
catermination colored

Ryan and I were re-watching Avatar while I was trying to doodle, so this is what he told me  to do when I asked him what I should draw. I harassed him because all I really draw anymore is Ryan things but it’s because he comes up with adorable ideas like this that happen to do with him.

HEE HEE so what, last Sunday or something when Ryan was on his way home from his second job, and we were both overwhelmed by life (he’s got two jobs, we’re trying to live on the rest of our summer money, I am taking two classes right now, both of which I hate…) and so I felt there was nothing better to do than to turn us into cheery kawaii cat people who believe that they can make it. I tried to call it “Catermination” but Ryan wouldn’t let me say that without going CAT TERMINATON?!?! and gesturing wildly at Jericho on the bed.

When my entire family was watching football I had no other choice than to bring up my drawing tablet and ignore the television. So  I drew a weird elf girl blowing a weird bubble.

p i g t a i l s

And then I drew a weird cat girl scrutinizing her hand weirdly. And I love her hair.

So, in light of my upcoming move in 17 days, and a job I like, BRING ON THE NEXT CHAPTER!

Art!, Ryan & Me

summer doodles

I had a super cute moment this morning with the giant beast Jericho and I had him completely under control. For once he wasn’t climbing all over me because he couldn’t really get out of this position without a giant shove on his back. It gave him a good opportunity to aggressively clean his back legs though.

This was also inspired by a morning kiss on Jericho’s head but oddly it was my nail polish that inspired the picture and you can barely see Shani’s. It was a good and rare opportunity to dive into my oldest cast of characters. Obviously I gave Shani more fashion credit than she actually had when I designed her 10 years ago.

Art!, Real People, Ryan & Me, Sun-Walking

longer days

I’m sure I’ve said it in here somewhere that I realized I do more art when it’s warmer than during the winter. It’s technically spring even though it’s snowing but it is currently raining, so I’m getting right into it. I’ve done two traditional ink paintings that I’m totally in love with in the past few weeks, and I’ve been putsing with Stealing from Raquildis and I’ve gotten over half a page done (…that’s a bigger accomplishment than it sounds). I’ve also done a bunch of art for work-related things like TNMT for my students or like turning my coworker into a super adorable chibi.

It’s hard not to describe this picture without sounding sappy because of who inspired it. What was the most interesting about was only using two colors (blue and yellow) and creating such a range of tones anyway. To be fair, I used both my blue inks so they were actually really different colors. My favorite parts ended up being the watered down drips on the right. And weirdly the contours on his face; they always draw my eye. That and the swoop of his bangs. The hand got way out of control and I tried too hard to correct it though. I actually did the piece in two phases, which is pretty unusual for me because usually I just do it in one shot and consider it untouchable after that. I was expecting to fix the hand but felt no compulsion to do so when I came back for it, so it’ll be one of those things I don’t really mention unless someone notices it, because it’s more likely just in my head. Looking at it now I kind of wish I didn’t mark off the side of his face on the yellow side of the image because it may have been more dreamlike, but I remember struggling with it not having a boundary.

I should probably get a better picture than this of the canvas. I think it’s scaled down since I cropped the photo on my phone. But it’s also blurry because I rushed to take the picture too. This was a really profound piece for me, but I’ve already kind of talked about it too much so that I don’t have a strong desire to write about all of it here. One thing that didn’t come through in this photo (I’d totally get up and go take another one but my cat’s draped across my lap) is how great the depth of the paper bits looks when they’re glued on but, like, the top one there isn’t all the way glued down. Also the bottom corner is super metallic and you can’t tell. I love how most of the edges are within the canvas rather than bleeding right up to the end of the canvas, but it kind of makes the work seem poppy.

This piece ended up being a bit of a declaration of self, and surprisingly I would say two weeks or something later the message still resonates with me; I haven’t stopped this conversation with myself. I wanted to ask myself if I could still be myself when I’m with someone else. And I wanted to ask myself if it was still okay to have weaknesses, or to feel emotions that are new to me without letting them destroy my own integrity. The answer is yes, I’ve found, but when I was doing this, I left the question unanswered via the scraps of typewriter paper, which ask over and over again: are you sure?


This one is super old and I finished it a long time ago but I haven’t been super proactive about getting things up on my blog. My boyfriend’s cat is the size of a small horse and he’s very aggressively cuddly so he’s not often allowed in the bedroom with us. But on this particular morning we let him in and he could not believe that he got to be with us. He was sprawled between us or on me or in someone’s face the whole time and it was super precious.
I wanted to see what the sketchy coloring style would look like because my new tablet allows for a lot more scratchy lines than my old one. I do like it but I’m not sure how much.


This came before the purple painting up there. I always turn to Lucienne when I want to be stronger. Her abs look great, and I love the bright red lines that add highlights.


So I hate to brag about a gift (for my precious coworker’s birthday) because that just seems like the epitome of arrogance, but this piece was kind of a big old “look what I can do” for me. The last time I drew in a chibi style was in the 8th grade and I used colored pencils and printer paper for it. I remember in my days of scrolling through stock anime photos and staring at the shading on those beautiful drawings and feeling like I could never achieve that. There’s nothing perfect about this picture by any means, but setting out with a goal of making this picture look as froofy and adorable as possible – and kind of sort of accomplishing that feat – made me feel like I’m now the artist I would have wanted to become. It’s not like I’m gonna work on “honing down” my skills as a chibi artist but I love feeling like I could basically draw anything I wanted and end up happy with the product. There’s something to be said for now having the tools to do something like this. Of course I wouldn’t be able to do this traditionally. But I can also do epic stuff traditionally. Like, to humble myself a bit I just need to remind myself that I didn’t get into Uptown so clearly I have not risen as far as I could. But in terms of what I longed to be when I was a kid drawing pictures, it’s pretty cool to have gotten here.
That being said, the flowers totally suck hahaha.

Art!, Comics, Ryan & Me

hit & run

After seven years (I got it on 7/7/07) with my first and only other tablet, my Wacom Graphire 4 has been offically retired to make way for my birthday present – my fabulous new Intuos Pen/Touch. Aside from a few glaring black dots somehow acquired when I flipped from pen to eraser, the transition into my new toy has been gleeful.

To thank my boyfriend for making me the luckiest weird little artist around, I’ve dusted off my old cat comic style and penned his own crazy ridiculously huge and loving cat Jericho.
SORRY I’M NOT SORRY that I love sketchy lines and coloring, I NEED TO GO TO BED IT’S A SCHOOL NIGHT ah


Art!, Emotional Breakdowns, Real People, Ryan & Me

Those Hands Tho


So I suppose I was feeling self-indulgent today and I decided to do a portrait-style doodle of my wonderful boyfriend. What’s funny is that as soon as I started drawing him I had this huge insight into my man preferences. He looks pretty much like the kind of guy I would draw all the time except that I make a deliberate effort to avoid him – the geeky, tall, dark, bespectacled gentleman. I avoided him because I always felt “Well, of course that’s my type” so I, not surprisingly, tried to challenge myself by making my guy characters not my type. So, drawing him was pretty much super easy and it felt like fulfilling half a cliche – the nerdy girl drawing the geeky guy – and made me super happy and isn’t he adorable? THOSE HANDS THO

Before I colored him though, he did look a lot like Micah from “Farewell, Fairytale” (and Unface) so…that works!

Also, look at my cool traditional lineart from last week.