With record speed, I got CFTM set up for publication. I pushed back the release for seemingly no reason, but the way that I look at it, this gives me more bandwidth to focus on promoting a highly successful book launch.
I think there has to be something I’m doing wrong with social media still as I just don’t get a lot of traction, but I’m going to focus on paying attention to what sort of posts DO work and how people build momentum for stories people don’t yet know.
When I was stuck in the mud finishing up with Quinton’s edits and decided to push out the release by a month, I spontaneously decided to follow the vague vision I had to make a new book cover.
I had just been feeling that the Lux-only cover didn’t have enough oomph, and felt lifeless. I really wanted Leigh and Nico on the cover.
I was fortunate to be able to get a lot of design help from CJ and Al to help all the elements come together. With this cover, I also designed it with ease of measurements in mind, with generous margins and a contained design.
The most exciting part is that I handwrote the title! Wtf? Yep, I said, I want to take credit for all the bits and bobs this time around.
I’m also really pleased with Ackerleigh’s shirt haha. It’s so pretty and flowy and detailed.

Here’s this year’s holiday picture. It’s so soft and delicate.

And the year in review! You can tell when all my energy shifted from Heartwood to gryphonwip lol.