Art!, Sun-Walking, Writing!



The rewrites of Sun-Walking have been going well. ^_^


There are a few awkward places here and there, so far mostly in Wind-Running, where I’m not sure if I should take pieces totally out or rework them entirely still, but Wind-Running is definitely better than it was at its birth.

This was a new addition to a scene in there that I’ve been really stuck on since then today.


I just finished “Daughters of the Storm” by Kim Wilkins and it was the best book I’ve read in ages. Unfortunately, much like the last few books I’ve read except for “The Hazel Wood,” it hit me with a surprise THIS IS THE FIRST IN A SERIES! in about the last 20 pages. I just don’t like being tricked. It wasn’t indicated anywhere on it that it was going to be a series. Most things wrapped up except for two arcs so I was like sweet okay and then it slams me with a “AND NOW IT’S TIME TO DO THIS” and “AND NOW THIS DRAMA” and I’m like ………………….. at what point do I just have to accept that series are a part of fantasy and I need to just read them anyway. Probably at the point when I get a new bookshelf. :/

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