I decided to try to commit (cautiously) to Inktober this year because I had so much success doing my 100 Days project last year. 21 days in and I haven’t missed a one and I’ve produced some pretty painterly pieces around a theme. In fact I’m writing this at my (new) job but I have some more to add to the inktober dump when I get home.
The prompt for this day was “stuck” so I was going to do a sexy conflict with a dagger involved but I wasn’t in the mood so I did this purple skinned orc type instead.Kawaii boobie fun colorsI almost couldn’t generate an idea for “pick” so I threw it in as some dialogue hahaOne of the earliest prompts that I really got intoAhhh…SolarisMy kid being a tall skinny gremlinRonan was getting weird with his toysa quick family portraitI spent so many days working linelessly I was beginning to doubt if I could be satisfied with lines, so I did just linesRonan kept asking for Mommy, Gaggee and Ronan pictures when he’d look at my old pre-baby family portraits. But we’re poor so I haven’t gotten this one printed yet.this prompt combined two days so i could spend more time on this archangel galso ronan was super sick this week for the first time ever and it gave him super toddler powers that almost broke us. but yet he’s obsessed with the stars and moon like a true witch’s child.sexy danny after he popped up in my dream, using the same lyrics i used a decade agolast night i had a dream i was crushing on the crow lady from kikis delivery service since ronan and i watched it this week, but she told me she thought i had a thing going with andrew but i was afraid he was going to friendzone me. ronan was very confused and couldnt figure out if i was drawing mommy or daddy. story of my life ronan. story of my life,
It’s been a quiet summer art-wise what with graduating from Saint Thomas and having my first full time therapy job WHICH I LOVE. But I’ve put out a few completed pieces.
Ironically I actually finished this piece on the 4th of July but that is a trash holiday. We lit up sparklers in the front yard after dark and I yelled blasphemies about our country into the night. Anyway this piece took weeks and weeks, so hella tedious. I guess at least it shows, what with complex lighting and painterly shading. I even gave Danny his old school Eripmav tattoo under his eye. And you know Ingrid would have a neck tattoo.I didn’t finish this but I also think I have a hard time doing airbrushing and ever feeling like it’s complete. So I didn’t bother and I’m uploading it anyway. Featuring, THE PUPPY! (he’s psychotic)speaks for itself
mama and baby dragonmama and baby dragon if my dragon boy actually breathed fireour dumbass cats as animal crossing villagers bc new horizons cute witch gurl with a fallen starlineless family portrait. elyse says i made my boobs big.we all played video games this last weekendhusband is working remotely bc covid 19
New Years is my favorite. I would say this one looks the most different but I haven’t ever prioritized staying up until “the ball drops” as much as I have always prioritized reflection, which I have spent lots of time doing the last few days.
And today when I was bored at work I put this together!
Enjoy the visual walk down memory lane.
I think it’s definitely a bit easier to put this together since my blog has been up for almost an entire decade haha.
I am shamelessly back-dating this because I really did intend on posting it on Christmas, but our 4 month old fucking hated Christmas and the day definitely got away from us in a flurry of tantrums.
Okay so on Black Friday this year I convinced my mom to buy me a discounted iPad on Amazon like a true American consumer. But it hasn’t been hugely surprising that I finally seized the opportunity to get one after I hard debated Apple products before deciding on this two-in-one. Also, the allure of adapting to the changing face of digital art was very very strong.
So, without further ado I now present to you my various Apple Pencil ProCreate doodles. Gag, so many mainstream products in that sentence.
I was watching Into the Spider-Verse and was inspired by its offbeat and vibrant colors and also by the bug-eyed commonalities between my husband and son. As usual when I end up being experimental with color I’m REALLY into this. It looks like he’s watching a laser light show in a very brightly lit room.Doodled my husband last night at work cause I wanted to a sheet of all doodles, and then this was all I drew.I did some art for my classmate/friend/temp nanny of their cats and I’m super into the bold graphic nature of it even if I forgot to color their faces/noses.This was in my head since
Ok so this week we’ve had a new nanny working with Ronan and it’s been REALLY emotional not only because I’m PMSing and it’s making me hella anxious, but because the prospect of choosing someone to be in my life and my husband’s life and most importantly my son’s life when I can’t be is INSANELY daunting.
So I set about on the task of depicting the strong protectiveness I felt (when I saw her tumble down the stairs accidentally while holding my child…oof) and then when I left her in my house to take care of my child. It’s not the same soft affection of kissing Ronan’s forehead when he sleeps, it’s fierce, overwhelming, and sometimes accompanied by frustrating helplessness.
This was my first attempt and it didn’t capture my aggressive squeeziness.This was my second attempt and Ronan looks super cute and I love the lines and the soft colors but it definitely still wasn’t what I was going for.
I like how Ronan looks the least in this one but it finally got the right mood, but I wish I could spend more time on it still. Meaning I probably will.
Another big piece, this came up a bit out of nowhere. One of the ladies I follow on Instagram makes merchandise revolving around tough, alternative mamas. And after my first round of holiday gettogethers with Ronan around, I realized how just, primitively protective I am of my little prince. Between that and the wolf theme of the Instagram mama I follow, I hatched a Wolf Mama drawing of me and Ronan. My husband said the furries of the internet would love me for this. That makes me sad.
Regardless here we are, me with my scars and stretch marks and Ronan with his fingers in his mouth and a handful of my hair as he tends to be these days.
I also got an iPad as an early Christmas present from my parents and have been slowly getting familiar with the all-famous ProCreate. But my caseless, fragile, slippery iPad isn’t quite the baby-friendly mobile drawing station I expected yet, so it’s gotta wait till my case comes this weekend before I can really integrate it into my baby time. Here’s the picture I did first on it. My mom said Ronan’s eyes creep her out but I think that’s a personal problem.
The Pencil definitely has enviable brush stabilizing that I would never want my Wacom to have, so that’s a game changer for incorporating text into my work. ProCreate also very obviously works for graphic and illustration work in a way that Clip Paint Pro doesn’t and I also wouldn’t want it to. So so far my conclusion is that the iPad will work for the style of graphic, marketable work I want it to, but it’s not necessarily the same sketching, brainstorming, feeling, serious illustration platform that I didn’t want it to be. That is, my Wacom and my desktop art station will not become obsolete because of the iPad.
I have been mostly focused on video games and cuddling my son in the last few weeks and days of my maternity leave. I go back to work the day after tomorrow. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I’ve been home for 2 and a half months with my lil guy. I also can’t believe how painful the thought of leaving him is.
When my husband and I were talking about the announcement of Diablo IV, we were saying how we’d have to train Ronan into being a class that neither of us want to be. Ryan then described a drawing I could do of the three of us in our classes with Ronan as a little head on one of our backs.
Over this last week I ended up putting WAY more work into this than I could have expected, especially since Ronan was super clingy a few days this week and I could only work like 10 minutes at a time before he’d be like “no you’re too distracted cuddle me harder”
I made a point in the drawing especially since I play as a barbarian-type “fuck em up” class to include my scars. One of my laparoscopy scars ended up being the spot for some of my only new stretch marks and they made a cool little lightning bolt. And my huge-ass c-section scar is pretty symbolic to me ultimately.
Also I figured since I didn’t need to showcase my post-breastfeeding small boobs I’d showcase Dat Booty.
Anyway, who knows what’s gonna happen to my art productivity once I go back to work and also have a child to take all my attention when I’m not there!
Hello and welcome to the final stretch of Mary’s maternity leave, wherein she’s gotten a bit bored and uninspired and has only done art of her and her baby.
Except there’s also a story in the works! But it keeps starting and stopping and it might not end up finished. It’s a good idea though! With a weird array of inspiration, haha. We’ll see.
First family portrait I’ve attempted. As you can see I didn’t finish the shading and the lineart is still a sketch..but hey it’s been posted now.So of my three cats, the gentle friendly ones have ended up hating the baby most. That is, they hate sharing my attention with the baby. Miss Replacement Baby enjoys climbing on me and trying to climb on the baby. Jericho just looks dejected when the baby is in his way, and tends to follow me around if I don’t have Ronan waiting for attention.Miss Prozac Snowball, though, has continued on with business as usual and has allowed Ronan into her inner circle. (Actually she got stuck in the living room when our besties were over the other week and just sat in the corner of the room looking less and less frightened, and even took some of her tuna treat from them). Snowball usually gives Ronan a kiss or a bath like she does me and Ryan. And over the weekend when we were napping as a family she got really excited when I came back from the bathroom and ended up doing her “tidal wave” fall onto Ronan, who was like HUF but stayed asleep, so I lol’d and let them both be.As mentioned, family naptime. <3